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Sudan Fishing: Nubian Reef




The journey starts from Port Sudan, on board one of our Motherboat MY Don Questo.

Sudanese area is one of the current pure unfished and pristine destinations; it comes with a 650 km coastline bordering the Red Sea and it is almost uninhabited.

As the coast offers a wide range of sceneries and seascapes (such as deepwater reefs, shallow water reefs, flat, lagoons, mangroves, and Coral) it is possible to be involved in many sport fishing as well as to spot a broad variety of fish (GTs, Coral Trout, Grouper, Emperor, Barracuda, Red Snapper, Napoleon Wrasse, Black Tip Shark, Grey Shark, Silky Shark, a remarkable population of Dogtooth Tuna, Bluefin Trevally, Titan Triggerfish, Giant Humphead Parrotfish, blue trevally, and Bonefish).

Wild Sea Expedition guarantees the best equipment to fish and visits a wide range of enchanting areas.

Since we have extensively operated over the past years and we have deepened our knowledge of the Sudanese area, Wild Sea Expedition guarantees the best service in a safe environment.

Only barbless hooks are allowed, for the safety on board and in respect of the fish

Wild Sea Expedition Sudan Nubian Reef
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From simple but comfortable vessels to more robust and larger boats, we have a unique diversity of LIVEABOARDS available for our expeditions in the Red Sea.
Single and double cabins, hot showers, air conditioning, spacious rooms, large solariums, and excellent meals prepared by the local team — all of this make our expeditions equivalent to acclaimed places around the globe but with our unique WILD and original essences.

For the fishing action, we use two simple and comfortable fiberglass boats of 8 meters.


Built to work in the European North Sea. Excellent seaworthiness and ability to withstand the harshest and most extreme weather and sea conditions. The ship is able to moor/keep the station in many places and conditions in which the typical recreational diving vessel would have to run for shelter. This allows for the minimum interruption to the fishing program and offers plenty of options in the event of a sudden deterioration in the weather. This is particularly important in the South / Deep South. Extremely comfortable for six guests. Italian ownership with 25 years of experience in Sudan

Speed:                              9 knots cruise

Length:                              33 meters

Width:                                8 meters

Cabins:                      Seven double cabins and one triple, all with a wash-hand basin with warm and cold water. Four showers and five toilets are provided for the guests.


Standard trip

The standard trip includes 6 full days of fishing, fishing every day in a different area. To reduce the fishing pressure we change zones week by week.

This is the most popular trip, and in only six days of fishing, you will be able to fish undisturbed areas.


Extended & discovery trip

The extended trips have a variable duration from 9 to 13 full days of fishing, so it will be possible to discover very remote areas almost completely unfinished. On this trip, you will visit the most virgin water of Sudan, the further North or South in accordance with season and fishing conditions. During this journey, it will be possible to visit the best areas for jigging and the best areas for popping.

Wild Sea Expedition Sudan Nubian Reef
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At the moment it is possible to get there via many places around the world. What we recommend is an Ethiopian flight over Addis Ababa because now they have flights to Port Sudan every day, and they are( for now )the cheapest flights to Sudan. In according with the trip schedule we assist you in order to get the best flight solution. 



The coastal side and generally the north of Sudan, are safe areas for tourism, there is no war or other safety problems, the local people are very quiet, and many tourists visit the mainland every year. Also, the sea is completely safe, the pirates don't exist in this area.

Regarding the guests’ safety, the fishing guides are trained in emergency first response.

All clients are asked to arrive covered by travel/medical insurance for the trip. Furthermore, all guests will sign a disclosure wavering Wild Sea Travel of any liability due to any accident.


No vaccinations are required for this trip


We do a tourism visa with your passport copy by email. We do your visa with a copy of your passport by email. A passport must be valid for at least 6 months and with no visas for Israel. At this moment it takes one month for your Sudan VISA to be done, so we highly recommend that as soon as you book the trip send us your passport so we can prepare your VISA on time.


  • Accommodation in double cabins on MY Don Questo or MSY Elegante, full board.

  • Cruise leaving and returning to Port Sudan.

  • All land transportation.

  • Mineral water, tea/coffee/juice included.


  • Visa

  • Soft drink and alcoholic drink

  • Tips and expense of personal nature

  • International flights

Wild Sea Expedition Sudan Nubian Reef




As the seaward side of the Sudanese coast is thick with coral reefs, seawater offers a wide variety of fish. Wild Sea Expedition is fully learned in both popping and lure casting. 

On poppers, it is possible to hook GTs, Red Snapper, Coral Trout, different kinds of Grouper and Emperor, big Barracuda, Napoleon Wrasse, Dogtooth Tuna, and Shark.

ROD: you will need a 170-200 gr rod able to hold 8-10 kg of drag, and a 100-120 gr rod to fish with 6 kg of drag

REELS: for heavy popping Stella 10000 FA, 18000 SW or Saltiga 6000, for light popping Stella 8000 FA, Stella 10000 SW and Saltiga 4500

LINE AND LEADER: for heavy popping 150 lb braid and 200 lb shock leader, for light popping a 65 lb line with a 120 lb leader work well. To connect the braid and leader we suggest a PR or FG knot.

LURES: noisy popper from 80 to 140 gr, floating stickbait about 18-24 cm, and sinking stickbait from 80 

to 150 gr.

TERMINAL TACKLE: BKK Crusader single hook in size 8/0, 9/0,10/0, 11/0 BKK GT

Rex size 5/0 and BKK Raptor size 4/0 and 5/0, BKK Split Ring - 51 size 8 and 9



Jigging is likely the most productive technique in Sudan; many big fishes are hooked weekly.

It is well impressive the stunning concentration of Dogtooth Tuna over the Sudanese Red Sea, indeed it is quite common to hook 4 Doggies at the same time during the first drop.

Probably Sudan represents today one of the last good fisheries for big doggies, thanks to the structure of the drop-off and the low professional fishing.

The medium size is between 7 and 15 kg, even if a number of bigger ones have been recently spotted.

Other species are caught on jigging too, however, tuna represents the big majority of the catch.

ROD: the best is to get two rods, one in the 300 gr range, Instead good equipment to fight with a submarine is a powerful rod for 400-500 gr,

REELS: on the medium rod is possible to use a medium reel like Shimano Stella SW 10000 or other reels of the same size, or conventional reels with a high retrieve ratio. On the powerful rod, you will need a Stella 20000 SW or 18000 SW for speed jigging.

LINE: for medium jigging a 50-60 lb line, for heavy tackle the best option is a PE 6-8 (80-100 lb)

JIG: the ‘must have’ jig are the Williamson Benthos, river to sea Sea Rock, Hooker from Sevenseas, Hots Y2, and Maria Deep Sea Flower. Size from 180 to 300 gr.

TERMINAL TACKLE: There are many hooks on the market, but we recommend Fisherman, Hots, Gamakatsu, and Decoy.


Shore and flat fishing

In terms of wading, we strongly recommend:

  • Walking in the flat along with your medium-light rod and looking for Triggerfish, GT, and different kinds of Trevally, and Barracuda.

  • getting off the islands and walking on the reef’s edge, carrying your heavy equipment, and casting outside to tempt the chance with big GT, Napoleon, Barracuda, and Shark, all fish that are caught from shore can provide a considerable dose of excitement and adrenaline.

ROD: for sight fishing, the best equipment is composed of a ¾ ounce

REELS: the best option can be a medium-light reel like Stella 5000 or other reels of the same size with decent drag and gear.

LINE: 20-30 lb braid line and a 40-50 lb shock leader.

LURES: a good selection is composed of some minnow and lipless minnow, a small popper, a stick of 10-12 cm, some metal jig, and some jig headset with soft bait.

Especially for the Giant Parrotfish, a soft crab assembled with a heavy-duty hook and some lead can be the definitive solution.

Fishing from the reef’s edge is possible to use the same tackle from offshore fishing, the best lures in these conditions are sinking stickbait around 100 gr and pencil bait of the same size.

At the moment Sudan is the last new in the world of fly fishing destination.