Sudan, Deep South Week 1


The first week of the season has been tough, both for weather and fish, even so we have had many opportunities and we landed a good number of fish, the high tide made more difficult to fish triggers but it helped us get a good number of GT’s and Bluefins (20 and 19). sight fishing on the flats even with cloudy weather we were able to spot some nice gt hunting close to the shore and with some crazy teasing sessions on the edge of the reef with many strikes from bohar snappers, barracudas, groupers and more species of coral fish making us enjoy.

On the other hand we have the tailing species as the triggers who is one of the main species in these flats and islands, we landed 14 since the flats were "empty" of them if you compare with the amount of triggers that should have in these islands but we had many shots too, this time the bonefish and permit escaped from our sight.

All this always accompanied by the best features of our boat, Don Quest, very good cuisine and enjoying the stay in these pristine and untouched waters full of live were for this time we had the opportunity of dive too in some of the best places of Sudan, with few encounters with hammer head shark, silky sharks, dolphins , pilot whales and mantas among many other species.

Photos by:

Wild Sea Expedition

We are a small crew of young explorers who have been the first fishing through a number of areas over the Red Sea (Sudan, Eritrea and Djibouti), the Gulf of Aden and Indian Ocean (Yemen, Somaliland) to discover places outside of the touristic route.

Sudan, Deep South Week 2


Nubia 2021