Sudan, Nubian Flats week 4

The week number 4 it’s done, we changed the remote atolls of the south for the endless flats of the Nubian desert, challenging week with strong wind blowing and the flat full of tricky triggers.

The amount of triggers on the flats were incredible, we managed to have more than 40 shots only to this specie every single day, we landed 17 with some huge specimens and for some of them were them first trigger ever and one very special because for she was her first saltwater trip and she landed a big black yellow margin.

On the other hand we have the Geets and Bluefin that this week has not given their face, we had some opportunities with them, on one occasion a meter geet trying to eat the fly five meter from the boat and missing the fly for scare ten centimeters or a school of thirty geets following the teasing in one of the north island.

The guest had shot to few big barracudas that in this case cut off the line and spotting big schools of bonefish where we lost one over ten pounds.

It has been an amazing angle group with some members of the South Africa Fly Fishing Team and with very good moments on the flats and enjoying the time with all of them.

Guide: Brent Poultney, David Fernández, Tim Leppan

Wild Sea Expedition

We are a small crew of young explorers who have been the first fishing through a number of areas over the Red Sea (Sudan, Eritrea and Djibouti), the Gulf of Aden and Indian Ocean (Yemen, Somaliland) to discover places outside of the touristic route.

Sudan, Nubian Flats week 5


Sudan, Deep South week 3